Shipping and return policies for Humming & Stone

Shipping Info
We ship world wide via Deutsche Post DHL and in Germany via Hermes.
Shipping costs may vary depending on destination and will apply to your order.
Return Policy
Right of return for consumers:

You can return the received goods without giving reasons within 14 days by returning the goods. The period begins after receipt of this instruction in text form (e.g. as letter, fax, e-mail), but not before receipt of the goods by the recipient (in the case of recurring deliveries of similar goods not before receipt of the first partial delivery) and also not before fulfillment of our information obligations under Article 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 paragraph 1 and 2 EGBGB and our obligations under § 312g paragraph 1 sentence 1 BGB in conjunction with Article 246 § 3 EGBGB. Only in the case of goods that cannot be shipped by parcel post (e.g. bulky goods) can you declare the return of the goods in text form by requesting their return. The timely dispatch of the goods or the return request is sufficient to meet the deadline. The return costs shall be borne by the consumer. The return or the return request must be made to:

Return consequences:

In the event of an effective return, the services received by both parties are to be returned and any benefits derived are to be surrendered. In case of a deterioration of the goods and for uses (e.g. advantages of use) which cannot be surrendered at all or in part or only in a deteriorated condition, you must pay us compensation in this respect. For the deterioration of the goods and for any use made of them, you only have to pay compensation if the use or deterioration is attributable to a handling of the goods that goes beyond the inspection of the properties and functionality. Under "examination of the characteristics and the function mode" one understands the testing and trying out of the respective commodity, as it is possible for instance in the retail shop and usual. Obligations to reimburse payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The period begins for you with the dispatch of the goods or the return request, for us with the receipt.

Exclusion of the right of return:

The right of return does not apply to contracts for the delivery of goods which have been manufactured according to customer specifications or are clearly tailored to personal needs or which, due to their nature, are not suitable for return or can spoil quickly or whose expiration date would be exceeded, for the delivery of audio or video recordings or software, if the delivered data carriers have been unsealed by you and for the delivery of newspapers, periodicals and magazines (unless you have submitted your contract declaration for the delivery of newspapers, periodicals and magazines by telephone).